So this year I'm growing three kinds of squash; yellow neck- from a seed package, butternut-gotten from store bought fruit, and pumpkin-gotten from a friend who grew white pumpkins last year. Of the three only one hasn't produced-the yellow neck. I'm breaking all the rules, the vines are all planted in my huge container along with corn! In the beginning we had frost, it killed a most so I replanted, I did go overboard.

and now the squash has spilled onto the ground and is going out of control. I am watching the buttternut and pumpkin squashes slowly get bigger.

in the meanwhile tons of blossoms are enticing me, they smell so good in the morning. So this morning I decided to stuff some of yesterdays blossoms.
I went outside, gathered some blossoms, brought them inside, soaked them in cold water to remove any ants.

then let them drain and dry. In the meantime I gathered some leftovers from yesterdays BBQ- some grilled steak, grilled corn, a fresh picked jalapeno, an egg, some cheese. I mixed this all together and stuffed the blossoms with it.
I the heated half a stick of butter in my skillet and fried these blossoms. some people will dip the blossom in batter, I don't I long time ago realized that fried squash without the flour tasted better to me, so I decided the same would be true of fried squash. Yes a few have a small bitter taste- The larger ones didn't get cooked long enough, but these are so yum!
The pictures are from my second batch.
The second batch I removed the tiny leaves on the outside of the bigger blossoms and cooked them longer- none was bitter