Sunday, February 20, 2011

I go against the flow

Pollinating daffodils
Pollinating Hyacinths
Tulip Seed Pods

Amaryllis Seed Pods

You read often that seeds gotten from store bought produce are sterile, or wont grow fruit. Usually what in fact is meant by that is if you grow the seed you won't get the same quality of fruit. I am finding that I going against the flow, I'm planting those seeds in-spite of the nay sayers. What those experts fail to realize is I don't expect the same quality and I don't believe in a kill gene. I have learned how to tell if the seeds grew long enough to have 'viable' seeds- for example a red, yellow or orange bell pepper is more likely to have seeds that will grow than a green bell pepper. I'm also wanting to learn how to cross pollinate flowers. last year I tried to cross pollinate roses, I had started to late and failed. I successfully crossed amaryllises and got seeds! The nay sayers would tell me it will take too long to get a flower. I think the wait would be well worth it. I've crossed tulips (plants I got from the grocery store) and two of the three have produced a pod- the seeds are growing, while I wait till I can put the bulbs outside. I'm working on crossing some hyacinths as well. I gathered seeds from my mom's Japanese Iris and planted them in October then gave a cold time in the refrigerator. I've brought them out and they are beginning to sprout. I did have a few hips grow on my roses that bees pollinated, plus got some seeds from others, these are starting to sprout after they had and still have a cold time in the fridge.

Rose Seedling
Pear Seedling